Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Find The Best Smartphone Camera For 2014

The Best Smartphone Camera for 2014

In the latest smartphone news, we examine the lists and reviews of all the best new smartphones on the market in 2014 to find the best smartphone camera. Our review and criteria for determining the award winner may appear simple and obvious, but most of the time overlooked.

Everyone who competes knows that there is a winner and everyone else.  In a race there isn't a winner and then 2nd winner, 3rd winner, etc. Although we do recognize outstanding performance with additional placements, only the extraordinary are called winners.

There are objective winners, the first to the finish line in a straight sprint is a prime example.  There are subjective winners, diving as a competition comes to light.  In diving, there are a set of judges who assign points to the technical merits and aesthetics of a dive and then add a multiplier for the degree of difficulty to the dive.  The winner is the diver with the most points at the end of a set number of dives.

Subjective winners are a by product of judgement within the pre-assigned standards.  Objective winners are determined by the first to finish without judgement coming into the decision making.

And with determining the best smartphone camera for 2014, there is a judgement call involved in the process.

We evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of all the best new smartphones under the following 3 criteria.

1) Camera hardware: This is the pixel density, the shutter speed and aperture dimensions.

2) Software: What type of software does the smartphone run on and support for photography? Is the software enhance or detract from image capture and improve the performance of sharing the photos?

3) Cost: Often overlooked in product reviews but this one aspect makes a huge difference.  I mean, we all would like to drive a Bentley or Ferrari from time to time, but can we afford to purchase one?

As we use the above criteria to determine the award winner, it's clear that the process awards a subjective champion.

Truthfully there are some incredible phones that meet the criteria for the best smartphone camera for 2014 and we hope that you use the above criteria to select your own winner.

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  As Shakespeare said 'A rose by any other name, smells as sweet'.  From the iPhone 6 to the Samsung Galaxy brand, if you want to know the latest smartphone news or get outstanding deals for any of the best new smartphones, click the link 10 Best Smartphones right now.

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