Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Find Deals On The Best Smartphone On The Market

If you're shopping around for a new phone, do you care if it's an older phone or does it need to be the best smartphone on the market? Knowing what you want can end up saving you money in the long run.

As we mentioned, if you just want a great phone at a cheap price, there's a number of ways to find a deal.  The easiest way is to get an older model phone.  Many cell phone retailers will offer their existing product lines at prices that are drastically reduced.  Another way to save money on existing phones is to buy one from a service provider like Boost Mobile or Sprint.  These providers offer great phones at outstanding prices by bundling the phone with a great data plan. Often times you can find the best smartphone on the market right now at a ridiculously lower price.

If you want the newest phone, then buying one online may save you money.  Especially if you decide to trade in your old phone.  Many distributors like Amazon and Alibaba will offer outstanding value for your existing phone if you choose to trade it in for a new one.  This will help you get the best smartphone on the market for an incredible price and will be much lower than retail.

One final way to save is shop directly through the manufacturer. For example, Apple will offer online deals that can be much lower than you can find in the shop.  Deals may be price breaks, gift cards, or other offers to entice you to shop online.  This will save you incredible amounts of money on the best smartphone on the market - the iPhone 6.

Look around, there are a number of resources to help you save money on the best smartphone on the market.  From TechCrunch to Business Insider and more, online resources like these and 10 Best Smartphones will help you find the latest smartphone news you need to get a great deal.

If you want to save on all the best new smartphones, click the RESOURCES page at 10 Best Smartphones.

Monday, December 29, 2014

How Do You Know What Is The Best Smartphone On The Market?

What is the best smartphone on the market?  How can you know which one really is the best?

With the end of the year upon us, there are so many rankings, lists and awards.  Choosing the best smartphone camera,  the top smartphones or the best smartphone on the market can all be confusing.

If you look at the reviews and don't consider three critical details, you'll end up paying way too much for something you don't need.  Know the service provider you want, the price you're willing to pay and the type of software you want to utilize.

The service provider will help you get the best smartphone on the market at the price you want.  That's because when you buy a phone with a standard two-year contract, they subsidize the price.  The downside is that you're locked into a data plan with the service provider.  If you have substandard  cell service, or plan to travel overseas, knowing your data plan options are important.  To have the flexibility to adjust your data plans, you'll pay more for the phone upfront, but could potentially save a ton of money over time.

What is the price you're willing to pay? Most people don't shop with a price point in mind.  That's a big mistake.  You can always find a deal, from directly shopping with the retailer to shopping online, the best smartphone on the market can be found at a price you want.  It'll take some work and take a little bit of time but will save you money in time.

What software do you want to use? Android is great and has access to the most number of Apps in the world, but that also means that the law of averages means that there are also a ton of inferior Apps on the Android marketplace.  Apple makes their iOS integrate easily between all of their devices and is more discernible with what they allow in their marketplace.

Right now is the golden age of consumer electronics.  There are so many great ones out there, from iPhones to Samsung Galaxy phones and more.  There really isn't just one great phone right now, and if you must have the best smartphone on the market, use the tips we list above to help you.

For more information and deals on the best smartphone on the market and more, check out 10 Best Smartphones today.

Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Find The Best Smartphone Camera For 2014

The Best Smartphone Camera for 2014

In the latest smartphone news, we examine the lists and reviews of all the best new smartphones on the market in 2014 to find the best smartphone camera. Our review and criteria for determining the award winner may appear simple and obvious, but most of the time overlooked.

Everyone who competes knows that there is a winner and everyone else.  In a race there isn't a winner and then 2nd winner, 3rd winner, etc. Although we do recognize outstanding performance with additional placements, only the extraordinary are called winners.

There are objective winners, the first to the finish line in a straight sprint is a prime example.  There are subjective winners, diving as a competition comes to light.  In diving, there are a set of judges who assign points to the technical merits and aesthetics of a dive and then add a multiplier for the degree of difficulty to the dive.  The winner is the diver with the most points at the end of a set number of dives.

Subjective winners are a by product of judgement within the pre-assigned standards.  Objective winners are determined by the first to finish without judgement coming into the decision making.

And with determining the best smartphone camera for 2014, there is a judgement call involved in the process.

We evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of all the best new smartphones under the following 3 criteria.

1) Camera hardware: This is the pixel density, the shutter speed and aperture dimensions.

2) Software: What type of software does the smartphone run on and support for photography? Is the software enhance or detract from image capture and improve the performance of sharing the photos?

3) Cost: Often overlooked in product reviews but this one aspect makes a huge difference.  I mean, we all would like to drive a Bentley or Ferrari from time to time, but can we afford to purchase one?

As we use the above criteria to determine the award winner, it's clear that the process awards a subjective champion.

Truthfully there are some incredible phones that meet the criteria for the best smartphone camera for 2014 and we hope that you use the above criteria to select your own winner.

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  As Shakespeare said 'A rose by any other name, smells as sweet'.  From the iPhone 6 to the Samsung Galaxy brand, if you want to know the latest smartphone news or get outstanding deals for any of the best new smartphones, click the link 10 Best Smartphones right now.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Find The 8 Top Smartphones Of 2014

It's the end of the year and with that comes the traditional end of the year 'Best Of' lists that accompany the calendar coming to an end.  If you're shopping for a new car, there's the Best Of 2014 Car Of The Year list, movies, TV shows, and so many lists that you can get information on anything you want to know.

And people love lists.  Why? Lists summarize the most important information and aspects of an object or person and make them easily digestible.  Lists are the 'Cliff-Notes' summary of the year and they are awesome if you're looking for information.  These 'Best Of' lists may focus on the things like the best smartphone camera or the best car for under $30,000.  They may include subjects like best song of the year or top smartphones of 2014, for example.

If you're looking for your next phone, there's some great information online right now.  From new models to 'Best Of' lists, it's a great time to be in the market for one of the best new smartphones out there, if you know where to look.

From TechCrunch to Business Insider there are some incredible lists published right now.  If you're looking for a list of top smartphones that also helps guide you to places for a cheap phone, then check out the 8 Top Smartphones of 2014 on the blog at 10 Best Smartphones. Their list of all the best new smartphones include some of the obvious entries like the Galaxy Note 4, but there may be a couple entrants that surprise you.

If you're looking for a great place to find all the information you need about smartphones then check out the blog at 10 Best Smartphones. They look at all the best new smartphones, rank the best smartphone camera for you and provide you suggestions to find deals for the top smartphones.

To see the 8 Top Smartphones Of 2014 list on their website, then click the link above or click HERE.

Monday, December 15, 2014

How To Find The Best Smartphone Camera For Your Hobby

For the mobile photography hobbyist, knowing what you want from the top smartphones available will help make your hobby more enjoyable and save you money.

But how do you get the information you need?  Where can you go to get the source of information you need?

There are a ton of ways to find the information you need about all the top smartphones and there are many different resources you can access to decide the best smartphone camera for your hobby.

A few suggestions to take into consideration to help you are; first, find an online review site like Business Insider, TechCrunch or 10 Best Smartphones to help you.  Currently 10 Best Smartphones is running an article about this very topic and you can access the article here.

Second, look at the forums of other photography hobbyists and experts to get great ideas on what to buy, how to use the new gear and what may be the strengths and weaknesses of your purchase.  Especially with the top smartphones this is an incredible tool to utilize because these are the people and communities that share your passion for photography. They offer tips and suggestions to enhance your enjoyment and develop skills, as well as help guide you toward deals and sales.

Regardless of your level of interest in photography, if you plan to use your smartphone for picture taking and image capture, as well as sharing those incredible images online, using the aforementioned tips will help you decide the best smartphone camera for your needs.

If you're looking for more online suggestions, tips and deals on all your top smartphones, devices and service providers, check out the resources page at 10 Best Smartphones today!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Missed Out On Holiday Deals? Here's How To Save On All The Top Smartphones

Did you miss the train on Cyber Monday deals?

Do you need a new phone but unsure where to find the best prices?

If you're in the market for any of the top smartphones, from Apple to Samsung, LG, Google and more, 10 Best Smartphones has plenty of tools, resources and tips to help you find the deal you want on any of the best new smartphones.

From finding sale prices on the top smartphones, to getting price breaks on existing cell phones and getting the best service plan on any of the best new smartphones, it's easier than you think to find a great deal.

Check out our sister site at 10 Best Smartphones (dot) net to get even more suggestions on ways to save you money.

Don't fret if you missed the start of holiday shopping season.  There are plenty of ways to save money on all the top smartphones available and if you know where and how to look, you'll get a great phone for cheap!

For complete resources, suggestions and resources to save you time, energy and money, check out the blog at 10 Best Smartphones for more information!