Monday, June 1, 2015

Is The iPhone 7 Almost Here?

When does it make sense to believe rumors?  We all know that rumors are interesting, enticing and most of all, dangerous.

Why are they dangerous?

For one, they're easy to spread.  Like a virus that's spread by air, it can move from one host to another easily.

Another reason they can be dangerous is that they don't have any accountability. A person can spread a rumor and defer upward or laterally to another person that they heard it from.

They can make the claim that they "heard it" from someone else.  The ubiquitous some one else.

Another reason that rumors are dangerous is that they can heighten expectations beyond reality. And heightened expectations can hurt everyone.

From the person who now has the burden of expectations, to the purpose projecting those expectations to eventually be let down, they end up damaging both parties.

Sometimes however, rumors can be harmless and interesting.

Take for instance, the rumor that Apple will be releasing a new iPhone soon.  Whether it's called the iPhone 6s or iPhone 7 is to be seen, but what we do know is that it will released sometime in the fall of 2015.

Reported by MacWorld UK and others, the rumor is building momentum that Apple is about to do something interesting.  What exactly is still to be seen, but something is coming, that much is certain.

You check out the MacWorld report at the blog 10 Best Smartphones, just click here.

This is one time where rumors are harmless, unless your Apple's competitors.

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